Group Chairman’s Message

Dr. Sena Yaddehige

Dr.-Sena-YaddehigeOur company is committed to a policy of diversification and a broadening of our customer base. Our policy is to make the Groups services more attractive to customers through an increased reliability and confidence in our products. We have extended our activities over a broad range of products and also increased the geographic spread of the group. Most recently we have branched out to the business of financing and commenced a Finance Company. In pursuance of this policy we have been actively involved in creating new subsidiaries and also in acquisitions of the finance institutions in comply with regulatory requirements.

We have grown to become one of the largest Groups in the Country through sound financial management, a talented human resource pool, and the ability to create and avail ourselves of business opportunities that are in line with our policies and strategies.

The Retail Sector of the group companies of Arpico Supercentres and the network of Arpico outlets have been extended to many parts of the island. The retail operation of the group is undergoing a massive expansion which will result in island wide coverage over the next couple of years. We will be using this network to strengthen our Finance Company by having branch offices within the Supercentres so that customers can attend to all their requirements under one roof. As a growing finance company registered with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, we have extended our financial services across the economy by mobilising deposits and disbursing loans. In order to make the financial services arm, we are looking forward to expand our services to the companies which are within the group, key suppliers who have already been with us for a significant period of time and employees in the group. In this the diversified presence within the group can be considered as a competitive advantage

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is implicit in the policies of our Company. Our aim is not merely to build a profitable enterprise for our stakeholders but also to enrich and give back something tangible to the communities in which we operate. We are optimistic that given the strength and reputation of our company and the confidence that the public have in us our finance business will be able to compete successfully with our business rivals. We are confident that with time our finance business will grow. We will ensure that as our finance business grows the benefits will be enjoyed by the wider business community and in the long run will contribute towards the economic development of the country at large.